Reminder: Inclement Weather

Today (Tue 7/16) is another iffy day for weather, depending on where you are.   The league is not doing any widepsread cancellations.  Reminder of rule 5.13 (A):

If it is clear in advance of the game, that weather conditions make the home field unplayable, the home coach must try to notify the Coordinator of Referees and the visiting team so that they may avoid unnecessary traveling.

There recently have been cases related to a different issue: the hesitation/unwillingness of a team to travel to a remote site due to perceived dangers en route.  Our rules do not cover this. Any team (Home or Visitor) deciding in advance that a game will not happen is not supported by our rules.  All such situations should be sent to the League President for review.  If the issue is raised early enough, potential remedies include application of a grace period, permission to reschedule, etc.  Without league permission, any cancellation subjects the responsible team to a potential forfeit situation.